Indian Nursing Council To Host Virtual Event On World Health Day

In recognition of World Health Day on April 7th, 2024, the Indian Nursing Council (INC) has extended warm wishes to all nurses across the country. This year’s theme for World Health Day is “My health, my right,”. A press release was issued by the INC on April, 4, 2024.

Virtual Celebration:

To commemorate World Health Day, the INC invites all nurses and healthcare professionals to join a virtual event. The INC will stream the event live on their YouTube channel at 1:00 PM on April 7th, 2024. Further details regarding the program are likely to be available on the INC website or social media channels.

World Health Day Significance:

Moreover, World Health Day is a global initiative by the World Health Organization (WHO). It raises awareness about specific health themes each year. Therefore, this year’s theme underscores the importance of empowering individuals and communities to take charge of their health and advocate for their healthcare rights.