JSERC (Electricity Supply Code) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2024

The Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the JSERC (Electricity Supply Code) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2024, which come into force from April 1, 2024. The amendment includes several significant changes to the existing regulations. 

Firstly, a new sub-clause has been inserted, pertaining to the connection charges for new connections in electrified areas up to 150 kW. This aims to simplify the process by fixing connection charges based on load, connection category, and average cost of distribution. 

Additionally, the clause has been amended to specify the time period within which the distribution licensee must provide new or modified connections, depending on the area type. Notably, the maximum time period for new connections in rural areas has been set at thirty days, and in cases requiring extension of distribution mains or commissioning of new substations, the electricity should be supplied within ninety days. 

Furthermore, amendments have been made, requiring bills to be easy to understand and issued in the local language along with English.

These amendments reflect the Commission’s efforts to streamline and improve the electricity supply process in Jharkhand. The changes aim to simplify the connection charges for new connections in electrified areas, set clear timeframes for providing new or modified connections, and enhance the accessibility of bills by issuing them in the local language alongside English. The amendments align with the Ministry of Power’s notifications and emphasize the Commission’s commitment to ensuring efficient and consumer-friendly electricity regulations in the state.


National Cooperative Policy

Government on 15.02.2023, has approved the Plan for strengthening cooperative movement in the country and deepening its reach up to the grassroots. The Plan envisages

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