CPCB issues guidelines for pollution control in Kolhus for the state of Uttar Pradesh

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) on August 13, 2019, has issued guidelines for ensuring pollution control in kolhus (Jaggery units) pursuant to NGT order dated November 22, 2017.

The following guidelines issued by the CPCB:

  1. The kolhus shall not be allowed to set up at locations within 0.5 km distance from approved habitation, schools, hospitals and the sensitive zone.
  2. only dried bagasse, wood and the agricultural residues or wastes shall be used as fuel. 
  3. The energy efficient furnace shall be used by kolhus.
  4. A flap shall be installed on fuel feed hole of furnace to control excess air. The ash generated would be collected from bottom of the furnace.
  5. The height of the stack shall be prescribed by the SPCB depending upon the local conditions, but it shall not leass than 10m.
  6. The limit of particulate matter in flue gas shall be prescribed by the State Pollution Control Board depending upon the local conditions, but not more than 500mg.
  7. The solid waste generated from kolhus shall be reused or properly disposed. The bagasse shall be used as fuel in the furnace. Scum collected from pan and ash shall be utilized as soil container in agricultural land.
  8.  The washings of pan shall be disposed through soak pit.
  9. The kolhus shall ensure cleanliness and hygienic conditions in the premises.

Click here to read the notification