Spotlight on Creativity: 100 Women Entrepreneurs, 60 Stalls, and Countless Opportunities

The Udayam 2024 Women Entrepreneurship Fair and Agricultural Exhibition Marketing, organized by the Indian Institute of Aromatic Crops Research (IISR) with the support of the Kerala Government, showcased a diverse array of products and sights, including microgreens, coriander, nutmeg, small grains, and moringa leaf, along with value-added products. This Notification was published on 22.03.2024.

This event was facilitated by the Agribusiness Incubation Unit of the Spice Research Institute in collaboration with the Intellectual Property and Technical Management (IP&TM) Unit of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), with the objective of spotlighting women entrepreneurs and their offerings. The inauguration was conducted online, with the Assistant Director General of Mela ICAR IP&TM Unit performing the honors. The chief guest for inaugurating the exhibition stalls was the District Kudumbashree Mission Coordinator, while the function was presided over by the Director of IISR with the support of the Kerala Government. Approximately 100 women showcased their products in 60 stalls, aiming to showcase their offerings to the public. Additionally, a wide range of seedlings and plants were available for purchase in connection with the agricultural exhibition.