Tea Board Releases Updated List of NABL Accredited Laboratories

The Tea Board has unveiled the latest roster of NABL accredited laboratories under its Integrated Assessment Scheme. As of February 20, 2024, this updated list provides insights into the certified entities involved in quality assessment within the tea industry.

The list includes details such as laboratory identification numbers, accreditation cycles, and extended validity of certifications. This comprehensive compilation serves as a reliable resource for stakeholders involved in tea production, processing, and distribution.

The updated list enumerates a total of 42 laboratories spanning all over the country.

NABL accreditation ensures that these laboratories adhere to stringent quality standards and possess the necessary expertise to conduct precise and reliable testing procedures. By maintaining an accredited status, these laboratories contribute significantly to upholding the quality and authenticity of tea products in the market.

Stakeholders, including tea producers, exporters, and regulatory authorities, can utilize this updated list to streamline their quality assurance processes and ensure compliance with industry standards. It represents a crucial step towards fostering a culture of excellence and innovation within the tea industry, ultimately contributing to its long-term growth and prosperity.