Delhi Launches Emergency Measures As Delhi-NCR Air Quality Deteriorates Rapidly

The Sub-Committee for operationalization of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) under the Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR & Adjoining Areas (CAQM) convened an emergency meeting. This meeting was held on January 14, 2024 and a press release was issued on that same date.

During the meeting, the Sub-Committee conducted a comprehensive review of the air quality scenario, meteorological forecasts, and air quality index data provided by IMD/IITM. It was observed that Delhi’s Air Quality Index (AQI) had experienced a sharp increase to 458 and 457 at 10 AM and 11 AM, respectively, owing to unfavorable climatic conditions such as very low wind speed, elevated moisture levels, low mixing heights, and local pollution sources, including large-scale open burning.

Although the Sub-Committee anticipated that the spike in the average AQI may not be prolonged, the current forecast suggests that Delhi’s air quality is expected to remain in the ‘Severe’ category (401-450) for the next few days due to persisting unfavorable meteorological and climatic conditions.

Taking immediate action to prevent further deterioration, the Sub-Committee has decided to invoke Stage-III of the revised GRAP – ‘Severe’ Air Quality (Delhi’s AQI ranging between 401-450) in the entire NCR. This is in addition to the preventive/restrictive actions already in force under Stage-I and Stage-II of GRAP in the region.

The 8-point action plan under Stage-III of GRAP, effective immediately, includes measures such as intensifying road sweeping, daily water sprinkling, enhancing public transport services, and enforcing strict bans on construction and demolition activities, stone crushers, mining, and certain vehicular restrictions.

CAQM emphasizes the importance of citizen cooperation and urges residents of NCR to adhere to GRAP measures, including adopting cleaner commuting options, reducing vehicular trips, and minimizing activities that contribute to air pollution. The Commission has also appealed to citizens to follow the guidelines outlined in the Citizen Charter under GRAP.

For additional details and the complete GRAP schedule, citizens can refer to the Commission’s website.