BIS Revises Standards for Foodstuff, Livestock Feeds, Electrical Installation in Ships and Medical Devices

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has introduced certain standards for Foodstuff, Livestock Feeds, Electrical Installation in Ships and Medical Devices. These notifications were published on January 9, 2024.

Some of the revised standards are as follows:

  • Cold Storage of Shell Eggs — Code of Practice (First Revision)
  • Meat Products and Meat Animals — Terminology Part 1 Poultry (First Revision)
  • Financial Services — Secure Cryptographic Devices (Retail) Part 2 Security Compliance Checklists for Devices Used in Financial Transactions (Second Revision)
  • Meat and Meat Products — Methods of Test Part 1 Determination of Nitrogen Content (Second Revision)
  • Sensory Evaluation of Foods — Guide Part 3 Statistical Analysis of Data Section 2 Ranking and Scoring Tests (Second Revision)
  • Ante-Mortem and Post-Mortem Inspection of Poultry — Code of Practice (First Revision)

These standards have been established on December 29, 2023 and their previous versions will stand withdrawn from January 29, 2024.

BIS has also introduced/ revised the following standards:

  • Injection Containers and Accessories Part 4 Closures for Injection Vials
  • Electrical Installation in Ships
  • Application of Polyurethane Insulation by the In-Situ Pouring Method — Code of Practice (First Revision)
  • Radionuclides in Environmental Samples — Methods of Estimation Part 1 Gross Beta Activity Measurement (Third Revision)
  • Injection Equipment for Medical Use Part 2 One-Point-Cut (OPC) Ampoules
  • Instruments and Software Used for Measurements In High-Voltage and High-Current Tests Part 1 Requirements for Instruments for Impulse Tests (First Revision)
  • Sterilization of Health Care Products

All of the above standards stand established on December 29, 2023. Their previous versions, if any, stand withdrawn from January 29, 2024.