Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on IFSC Insurance Office

IFSCA vide circular dated 21.12.2023 has issued Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on IFSC Insurance Office (updated as on December 13, 2023). The revised Frequently Asked Questions provides clarifications regarding following regulations:

  1. IFSCA (Registration of Insurance Business) Regulations, 2021
  2. IFSCA (Manner of Payment & Receipt of Premium) Regulations, 2022
  3. IFSCA (Appointed Actuary) Regulations, 2022
  4. IFSCA (Insurance Products and Pricing) Regulations, 2022
  5. IFSCA (Maintenance of Insurance Records and Submission of Requisite Information for
    Investigation and Inspection) Regulations, 2022
  6. IFSCA (Investment by International Financial Service Centre Insurance Office) Regulations,
  7. IFSCA (Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements of International Financial Service
    Centre Insurance Offices) Regulations, 2022
  8. IFSCA (Re-insurance) Regulations, 2023
  9. IFSCA (Assets, Liabilities, Solvency Margin and Abstract of Actuarial Report for Life Insurance
    Business) Regulations, 2023
  10. IFSCA (Assets, Liabilities, and Solvency Margin of General, Health and Re-insurance business)
    Regulations, 2023
  11. IFSCA (Management Control, Administrative Control and Market Conduct of insurance
    business) Regulations, 2023