Preliminary draft of internal review of the PFRDA (National Pension System Trust) Regulations, 2015

The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority of India has published the preliminary draft of internal review of the PFRDA (National Pension System Trust) Regulations, 2015. The proposed changes are in the following key areas:

  1. Appointment of trustees, their terms and conditions, norms with respect to meetings of Board of Trustees of NPS Trust have been detailed.
  2. Obligations, duties and responsibilities of Board of Trustees of NPS Trust have been specified in respect of exit of subscribers and audit of
    NPS Trust.
  3. Appointment of CEO – NPS Trust have been detailed.

The draft proposal is open for stakeholder consultation and public comments till October 04, 2023 and can be accessed on PFRDA website at Exposure Draft Section under Regulatory framework Menu. Comments/feedback can also be provided for any other provisions of PFRDA (National Pension System Trust) Regulations, 2015 where changes have not been proposed. Comments/feedback may be sent by email at with subject line as ‘Feedback on proposed changes to the PFRDA (NPS Trust) Regulations, 2015.