ESIC organizes Special Aadhar Seeding Camps

ESIC vide circular dated 11.09.2023 to speed up the process of Aadhar Seeding, all the field offices will organize Special Aadhar Seeding Camps in their area of jurisdiction. The first week of every month is designated for such special camps.

In this connection, all the Regional Offices/Sub-Regional Offices will identify the clusters of Industries/workers where Special Aadhar Seeding Camps can be organised. Big units, offices of Industrial authorities/Employers’Association, MEUDs, etc. can be roped in for this purpose. The date and venue of such special camps should be decided well in advance and necessary awareness of the camps through Branch offices/DCBOs should be ensured.

Report about holding such camps along with Aadhar Seeding Data has to be sent to Benefit Branch, Hqrs. for compilation and submission before the Competent Authority.