UGC has issued Guidelines for Credit Based Course on Pedagogical Aspects for Teaching Divyangjans and Persons with Specific Learning Disabilities in furtherance of Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016 and New Educational Policy. The following are the broad objectives of the guideline for Credit Based Course on Pedagogical Aspects for Teaching Divyangjan:
- To provide an objective guideline for credit-based courses to facilitate suitable physical, psychological, social, and specific needs of students with disabilities in higher education.
- To provide flexibility in the selection of core, elective, and skill-based courses to students with disabilities to bring them to par with their peer group.
- To provide guidelines for curriculum transaction in an accessible manner and format so that students with disabilities could learn as per their needs and abilities.
- To introduce recent technology and pedagogy for enhancing accessibility of students with disabilities in Higher Education Institutions.
- To provide Guidelines for evaluating students with diverse learning needs at higher educational institutions.