PGMEB reiterates call for Applications for Increase of Seats in PG Courses for Academic Session 2024-2025

The Post Graduate Medical Education Board (PGMEB) of the National Medical Commission has reiterated the call for applications by medical colleges for increase of seats in PG Courses for Academic Session 2024-2025. This public notice was dated 23rd August, 2023.

PGMEB has stated that it has already processed most applications from medical colleges/ institutes which were due for recognition/ renewal of recognition of post-graduate medical qualifications during the year 2022. However, some applications are still under process and are likely to be finalised soon by the PGMEB.

Further, it may be recalled that MARB had issued a notice dated 16th August, 2023 inviting applications for increase of seats in PG Courses

Therefore, the PGMEB has stated that pending processing of previous applications, medical colleges/ institutes may submit fresh applications for increase of seats in Post Graduate Courses being run by them for admission in Academic Session 2024-2025 in terms of the MARB notice.