Strategy for Establishment of Offshore Wind Energy Projects

The Government of India had announced the National Offshore Wind Energy Policy-2015 on 6th October, 2015. This landmark policy is aimed at fostering the development of offshore wind power within the country, providing a strategic framework for sustainable growth in this sector. The Government has now issued a first revision of this policy dated 17th August, 2023.

The policy extends its reach up to a distance of 200 nautical miles from the baseline, covering the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) has been designated as the Nodal Ministry for overseeing the offshore wind power development, while the National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) has been entrusted with the role of the Nodal Agency.

Preliminary studies conducted by NIWE along the Indian coastline have illuminated the promising potential for offshore wind farm development, particularly off the Southern tip of the country and along the West coast. This potential was evaluated in collaboration with the FOWIND (Facilitating Offshore Wind in India) consortium, wherein NIWE played a pivotal role as a knowledge partner.

To capitalize on this potential and expedite the development process, the policy identifies three proposed models:

  1. Viability Gap Funding (VGF) Model
  2. Non-VGF but with exclusivity over seabed during the study/survey period
  3. Non-VGF and without exclusivity over seabed during the study/survey period

The policy also highlights the identification of potential offshore wind energy zones. In conjunction with the FOWIND consortium, NIWE has pinpointed eight zones off the coasts of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu with favorable conditions for offshore wind power generation.


National Cooperative Policy

Government on 15.02.2023, has approved the Plan for strengthening cooperative movement in the country and deepening its reach up to the grassroots. The Plan envisages

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