Securities and Exchange Board of India vide notification dated 4th June, 2023 has issued the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)(Second Amendment) Regulations, 2023. The following amendments are provided:
- Any vacancy in the office of a director, Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Whole Time Director, compliance officer or Manager shall be filled by the listed entity at the earliest and in any case not later than three months from the date such vacancy.
- With effect from April 1, 2024, the continuation of a director serving on the board of directors of a listed entity shall be subject to the approval by the shareholders in a general meeting at least once in every five years from the date of their appointment or reappointment, as the case may be.
- The listed entity shall disclose to the stock exchange(s) all events or information which are material in terms of the provisions of this regulation as soon as reasonably possible and in any case not later than the following: (i) thirty minutes from the closure of the meeting of the board of directors in which the decision pertaining to the event or information has been taken;(ii) twelve hours from the occurrence of the event or information, in case the event or information is emanating from within the listed entity;(iii) twenty four hours from the occurrence of the event or information, in case the event or information is not emanating from within the listed entity.
- The top 100 listed entities (with effect from October 1, 2023) and thereafter the top 250 listed entities (with effect from April 1, 2024) shall confirm, deny or clarify any reported event or information in the mainstream media which is not general in nature and which indicates that rumours of an impending specific material event or information in terms of the provisions of this regulation are circulating amongst the investing public, as soon as reasonably possible and not later than twenty four hours from the reporting of the event or information. Mainstream media shall include print or electronic mode of the following: i. Newspapers registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India; ii. News channels permitted by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting under Government of India; iii. Content published by the publisher of news and current affairs content as defined under the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021; and iv. Newspapers or news channels or news and current affairs content similarly registered or permitted or regulated, as the case may be, in jurisdictions outside India.
- Any special right granted to the shareholders of a listed entity shall be subject to the approval by the shareholders in a general meeting by way of a special resolution once in every five years starting from the date of grant of such special right.
- A listed entity shall, subsequent to the listing, submit its financial results for the quarter or the financial year immediately succeeding the period for which the financial statements have been disclosed in the offer document for the initial public offer.
- The listed entity shall submit a certificate to the stock exchange regarding status of payment of interest or dividend or repayment or redemption of principal of non-convertible securities, within one working day of it becoming due, in the manner and format as specified by the Board from time to time.
- Agreements entered into by the shareholders, promoters, promoter group entities, related parties, directors, key managerial personnel, employees of the listed entity or of its holding, subsidiary or associate company, among themselves or with the listed entity or with a third party, solely or jointly, which, either directly or indirectly or potentially or whose purpose and effect is to, impact the management or control of the listed entity or impose any restriction or create any liability upon the listed entity, shall be disclosed to the Stock Exchanges, including disclosure of any rescission, amendment or alteration of such agreements thereto, whether or not the listed entity is a party to such agreements.
- In case of resignation of key managerial personnel, senior management, Compliance Officer or director other than an independent director; the letter of resignation along with detailed reasons for the resignation as given by the key managerial personnel, senior management, Compliance Officer or director shall be disclosed to the stock exchanges by the listed entities within seven days from the date that such resignation comes into effect.