The Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council has issued a notification that it will be electing one member from the Trained Nurses Association of India to its council. A notification to that effect was issued on 12th April, 2023.
The nomination papers for this election shall be issued/presented between 12th April, 2023 to 20th April, 2023. The shall be presented on working days from 11 am to 5 pm at the Office of the Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council, 140, Santhome High Road, Mylapore, Chennai-600 004. The papers shall be presented along with a DD for Rs.500/-
The last date for publication of voting papers in Tamil Nadu Government Gazette / Advertisement in Tamil/English dailies will be 10th May, 2023.
Counting of votes will commence on 13th June, 2023 from 10 am onwards.