Clarification regarding Formulation of price bands for the first day of trading pursuant to Initial Public Offering (IPO), re-listing etc. in normal trading session

SEBI vide circular dated April 11, 2023 has issued clarification regarding Formulation of price bands for the first day of trading pursuant to Initial Public Offering (IPO), re-listing etc. in normal trading session. After discussion with stock exchanges and SMAC, the following has been decided for trading on first day pursuant to IPO or re-listing (including re-listing on account of scheme of arrangement but excluding scrips for which derivative contracts are available):

  1. Call Auction session would continue to be conducted separately on individual exchanges and orders would be matched by respective exchanges after computation of equilibrium price.
  2. If difference in the equilibrium price between exchanges in percentage terms (i.e. absolute difference/minimum of equilibrium prices, expressed as %) is more than the applicable price band for the scrip, a Common Equilibrium Price (CEP) would be computed by exchanges. The CEP shall be volume weighted average of equilibrium prices on individual exchanges as determined by the Call Auction.
  3. The exchanges shall set the aforesaid CEP in their trading systems and apply uniform price bands based on the CEP, as applicable.
  4. Only unexecuted pending orders from Call Auction session within the aforesaid price band shall be carried forward to the normal market segment.

Call Auction sessions are conducted on multiple stock exchanges, the discovered price / equilibrium price pursuant to such Call Auction sessions could be different on each exchange. If the difference in these discovered prices is significant, there could be a situation wherein price bands on individual exchanges are far apart from each other, giving an incorrect picture of price band to investors.

This circular shall come into force within 60 days of publication.