Maharashtra PCB exempts lockdown period from submission of application for consent

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (PCB) has exempted the lockdown period from submission of application for consent or authorisation. A circular to this effect was issued on 29th March, 2023.

As per prevailing laws, it is mandatory for every industry, entrepreneur or establishment to obtain valid consent to establish or operate. They are also required to obtain authorisations from the Maharashtra PCB under various environmental laws on the payment of prescribed fees.

However, consequent to the outbreak of COVID-19, Maharashtra PCB had extended the validity of consent to establish or operate and environmental authorisations, on several occasions.

Therefore the Maharashtra PCB has now issued the present circular stating that the period from 1st April, 2020 to 31st March, 2021 is exempted for submission of application of consent or authorisation. Furthermore, for this stipulated period only regular consent fees will be charged.