The Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP)on 20th October 2022, along with its attached office National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority (NPPA), Autonomous Institutions viz. seven National Institutes of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPERs), three Public Sector Undertakings, viz., Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Limited (KAPL), Bengal Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited (BCPL) Hindustan Antibiotics Limited (HAL), and PMBI – a society under the aegis of the department, implementing the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadi Pariyojana (PMBJP).
Department has set up a target of 7,000 sites all over the country for special cleaning drive. These sites mainly include Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadi Kendras (PMBJKs) functioning all across the country. The Kendras, in collaboration with the public representatives have been running campaigns to clean their Kendras as well as the surrounding areas so as to spread the message. The cleanliness drive has already been conducted at 5974 sites, majority of the sites being Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras. NIPER, Guwahati has conducted special cleaning activities in nearby market and school, in addition to their own campus in Guwahati. All offices of the department and other agencies have also conducted cleanliness activities.
Department of Pharmaceuticals is striving to surpass the targets in disposal of old/unused files, disposal of old unserviceable/unusable equipment, and cleanliness of sites, etc. by the end of the Campaign on 31st October, 2022.