DGFT includes a new paragraph in the Handbook of Procedures of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20 to notify the procedure for General Authorisation for Export after Repair in India (GAER).

The Director General of Foreign Trade on 14th October 2022, has notified amendments to Handbook of Procedures (HBP) of FTP 2015-20 for inclusion of new entry at Paragraph 2.79C (D) with immediate effect. After Sub Para 2.79C (C) of the HBP of FTP 2015-2020, a new entry shall be inserted as under:

“D. Authorization for export of same imported SCOMET items to same entity abroad under General Authorization for Export after Repair in India (GAER)”

Export of imported SCOMET items to the same entity abroad after repair in India will be allowed on the basis of a onetime General authorization for Export after Repair in India (GAER) subject to post reporting on quarterly basis issued by DGFT, subject to the following conditions:

  • The SCOMET items were imported to a designated/authorized repair facility in India for the purpose of repair under a contract agreement/Master Service agreement (MSA); or Imported under a contract agreement between Indian exporter, entities of repair facility (if different from exporter) and entity abroad defining ‘ Statement of Work (SOW)’/ ‘ Scope of Work’ including conditions for undertaking repair in India;
  • The items are to be exported to the same entity and location abroad from which the item(s) has/have been imported;
  • The exporter is required to register and obtain General authorization for export after repair only once during the validity period. Subsequent export/re-export is subject to post reporting;
  • The exporter is required to provide Bill of Entry for the imported item while applying for GAER for the first shipment.
  • There has been no change to the original characteristics/specifications of the SCOMET item(s) after repair and no value addition has been done during the repair work;
  • No Export Authorisation would be granted when the initial export authorisation has been suspended, modified or revoked by country of import;
  • No Export authorisation would be granted for UNSC sanctioned destinations or countries/entities of high risk, as assessed by the IMWG, from time to time.

GAER issued for export of imported SCOMET items after repair shall be valid for a period of 1 year from the date of issue of GAER subject to subsequent post reporting(s) within 30 days from such export.