The Ministry of Heavy Industry on 30th September 2022, has decided to implement the Application Programming Interface (API) based on-line data transfer system for FAME-II scheme for e-2W original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) with effect from 1st October 2022.
The online data transfer system will be applicable for those eligible e-2W OEMs having enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Those OEM’s not having ERP system at present will always have option available to migrate to this online data transfer system or they may continue with the existing system.
Ministry of Heavy Industries formulated a Scheme Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles in India (FAME India) Scheme in 2015 to promote adoption of electric/ hybrid vehicles (xEVs) in the country. At present, Phase-II of FAME India Scheme is being implemented for a period of 5 years w.e.f. 01stApril, 2019 with a total budgetary support of Rs. 10,000 crores. This phase focusses on supporting electrification of public & shared transportation and aims to support, through subsidies, 7090 e-Buses, 5 lakh e-3 Wheelers, 55000 e-4 Wheeler Passenger Cars and 10 lakh e-2 Wheelers.