DGS notifies amendments to International Convention on the control of harmful anti-fouling systems on ships.

The Directorate General of Shipping on 22nd September 2022, notified Amendment to International Convention on the Control of harmful anti-fouling systems on ships (AFS Convention) resulting in following changes in the implementation of the AFS Convention.

The existing ships bearing an anti-fouling system that contains the ingredient cybutryne in the external coating layer of their hulls or external parts on surface as on 1st January 2023 shall either remove the anti-fouling system or by applying a coating that forms a barrier to this substance leaching from the underlaying non-compliant anti-fouling system.

Operational ships will need to comply with the requirement from the next scheduled renewal survey of the anti-fouling system after 1st January 2023, but no later than 60 months following the last application to the ship of an anti-fouling system containing cybutryne.

The applicable certification regime shall also be changed to demonstrate compliance with these additional controls on cybutryne from 1st January 2023.

In addition to the already prohibited organotin compounds which act as biocides (trybutyl tin TBT) in anti-fouling systems, the ingredient cybutryne will be prohibited as per the amendments to the AFS Convention from 01st January 2023.

The compliance can be demonstrated by either of the following measures:

  • All owners / Managers of vessels registered with the lndian Maritime Administration bearing cybulryne that was applied prior to 1st January 2023 are advised to approach the Recognized Organizations and ensure that the existing lnternational Anti-fouling System Certiricates are replaced with the as notified under this circular as applicable prior to 1st January 2025.
  • ln other cases, compliance to be demonstrated by either removing lhe anti-fouling system; or by applying a coating that forms a barrier to this substance leaching from the underlying non-compliant anti-fouling system.
  • All Ships except River Sea Vessels and lndian Coastal Vessels shall be issued an international Anli-Fouling System as per revised format.