The Goa Land Development and Building Construction (Amendment) Draft Regulations, 2022.

The Government of Goa on 29th August 2022, has notified the Goa Land Development and Building Construction (Amendment) Draft Regulations, 2022 to further amend the Goa Land Development and Building Construction Regulations, 2010.

Through this amendment, the definition for the term “engineer “has been substituted as follows:

Engineer” means a person who shall be a Graduate in Civil Engineering/Architectural Engineering of recognized Indian or Foreign University, or the member of Civil Engineering Division/Architectural Engineering Division of the Institution of Engineers (India) or the statutory body governing such profession, as and when established and having work experience at least for a period of two years under an Engineer/Structural Engineer registered with the Town and Country Planning Department”.

Further regulation 3.11(c) which deals with occupancy certificate has been substituted as follows:

“The Licencing Authority/Planning and Development Authority/Town and Country Planning Department shall carry out Post Occupancy Audit on a random basis, from time to time for group housing/residential multi dwelling buildings and multistoried buildings”

Further under 10, all new and renovated non-residential buildings as well as individual and other residential buildings, Co-operative Housing Societies and Colonies managed by Residents Welfare Associations (RWAs), with parking demarcated for more than 10 equivalent car spaces (‘ECS’) shall have atleast 20% of such ‘ECS’ to be made ‘Electric Vehicle ready’ ECS spots with conduits installed or as per the GOA ELECTRIC MOBILITY PROMOTION POLICY– 2021 as amended from time to time.