The Directorate General of Shipping on 29th August 2022, issued guidance on use of biofuel and its blend as fuel on Board Indian flagged ship. This guidance is applicable to all sea going Indian Ships registered under MS Act 1958, irrespective of whether the ship has coastal trade or certified under RSV and to all bunker suppliers registered with Government of India.
The biofuel used as blend or in place of existing fossil fuels shall be manufactured or imported in accordance with stated National Policy on Biofuels 2018. Bunker supplier is to submit the Proof of Sustainability (PoS) for Biofuels, Bio and Biomass Fuels and emission savings percentage (carbon emission factor) as per relevant ISO standards (e.g. ISO 14040, ISO 14044, etc.) or under the Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2001 (RED II) or other equivalent national/international standards to the ship owner.
In order to ensure that the quality of bunkers delivered to ships meets the relevant specifications, suppliers shall source from appropriate renewable sources to produce bunkers meeting the relevant specifications. The end product should be homogeneous and stable. The suppliers shall ensure that the product confirms to relevant specifications and statutory limits and the final blend should be tested against the relevant standards (as mentioned in MEPC.1/ Circ.875) and the test results should be documented in accordance to applicable standards (e.g. ASTM D7467 for B6- B20, ASTM D6751 for B100).
In order to maintain quality control throughout the supply chain, suppliers should have documentation to help identify product origins back to the manufacturing source and the various links in the chain to enable traceability, especially if problems arise to help pinpoint the source of the problem and take remedial action.
No Biofuel blend is to be used for emergency equipment like lifeboat engine, emergency generator engine, and emergency fire pump engine.