The Battery Waste Management Rules, 2022.

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change on 25th August 2022, published the Battery Waste Management Rules, 2022 to ensure environmentally sound management of waste batteries. The new rule will replace the Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001.

This rule shall be applicable to –

  • Producer, dealer, consumer, entities involved in collection, segregation, transportation, re-furbishment and recycling of Waste Battery;
  • all types of batteries regardless of chemistry, shape, volume, weight, material composition and use.

 However it shall not apply to Battery used in, – (i) equipment connected with the protection of the essential security interests including arms, ammunitions, war material and those intended specifically for military purposes; (ii) equipment designed to be sent into space.

The rules function based on the concept of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) where the producers (including importers) of batteries are responsible for collection and recycling/refurbishment of waste batteries and use of recovered materials from wastes into new batteries. EPR mandates that all waste batteries to be collected and sent for recycling/refurbishment, and its prohibits disposal in landfills and incineration. To meet the EPR obligations, producers may engage themselves or authorise any other entity for collection, recycling or refurbishment of waste batteries.

Further, the rules will enable setting up a mechanism and centralized online portal for exchange of EPR certificates between producers and recyclers/refurbishes to fulfil the obligations of producers and it promotes setting up of new industries and entrepreneurship in collection and recycling/refurbishment of waste batteries. 

Online registration & reporting, auditing, and committee for monitoring the implementation of rules and to take measures required for removal of difficulties are salient features of rules for ensuring effective implementation and compliance.

On the principle of Polluter Pays Principle, environmental compensation will be imposed for non-fulfilment of Extended Producer Responsibility targets, responsibilities and obligations set out in the rules. The funds collected under environmental compensation shall be utilised in collection and refurbishing or recycling of uncollected and non-recycled waste batteries.