ESIC to issue Regulation Certificates for cash benefits to insured persons (IPs) through online.

The Employees State Insurance Corporation on 22nd July 2022, has notified that w.e.f 1st August 2022 no regulation certificate for any cash benefit will be issued by the ESIC/ESIS dispensaries in physical form. All ESIC dispensaries will use the “Dhanwantari” module of project panchdeep to issue the regulation certificates.  

In case of any reason the regulation certificate cannot be issued online then the scanned copy of the same shall be forwarded to the branch office through e-mail by dispensary and a physical copy will be issued to the IP immediately. The IP will also have a choice to receive the medical/fitness certificate either in physical form or in soft copy in his/her e-mail, if he/she has one.

It has been observed by the ESIC secretary that a number of cash benefit claims were pending in regions/sub-regions and the process of payment of the cash benefit to the insured person were not made end-to-end online because the regulation certificate for cash benefit were not being issued online in ESIS dispensaries and are transferred manually to the branch office.

Therefore it has been directed that w.e.f 1st August 2022 no regulation certificate for cash benefit will be issued by ESIC/ESIS dispensaries in physical form.