The School Education Department, Andhra Pradesh vide notification dated May 26, 2022 has issued amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Establishment, Recognition, Administration and Control of Schools under Private Management) Rules, 1993. The amendment provides following relief measures to employees of private aided schools:
- When a private aided school is forced to be closed down for any reason or whenever the management of the school goes out of the way to remove any of its staff members or whenever there is a fall in strength in a private aided school for two successive academic years or whenever an exercise for rationalization of aided staff working in aided institutions is taken up, the competent authority may transfer the aided staff, with or without post, as the case may be to any other needy Private aided school within the district.
- If there are any surplus aided staff, the competent authority may transfer the aided staff without post to any other needy Government or local body school within the district.