Government of Telangana notifies amendments to Telangana State Factories Rules.

The State Government of Telangana on 20th May 2022, has issued notification amending Schedule XVIII- Handing and Processing of Asbestos, Manufacture or otherwise in which Asbestos is used in any Form under rule 95 of the Telangana State Factories Rules, 1950.

The substituted schedule XVIII shall apply to all manufacturing process carried on in a factory involving exposure of workers to asbestos and / or product containing Asbestos and shall apply to workers exposed to asbestos in the factory and it shall be the responsibility of the occupier of the factory to comply with the provisions of the schedule in respect of the workers.

The term Asbestos” shall mean any fibrous silicate mineral and any admixture containing actionlite, amosite, anthophyllite, chrysotile, crocidolite, tremolite or any mixture thereof, whether crude, crushed or opened.

No person shall carry out any demolition of plants or structures containing friable asbestos insulation material and removal of asbestos from building or structures in which asbestos is liable to become air-borne, unless he is recognized and duly empowered by the Chief Inspector of Factories as qualified to carry out such work in accordance with the provisions of this Schedule.

The occupier of every factory to which this schedule applies shall provide to workers personnel protective equipments such as hand gloves, shoes helmets, goggles, earplug, aprons, safety belt, overall suit, etc., as per the relevant National or International Standards as may be required.

Further a separate accommodation shall be provided in a conveniently accessible position for all persons employed in operations to which this schedule applies for storing of personal clothing.