The Indian government-led citizen engagement platform MyGov on 23rd May 2022, has allowed citizens to use the MyGov Helpdesk on WhatsApp to access the Digilocker service in order to ensure governance and government services at the fingertips of citizens. This includes creating and authenticating their Digilocker account, downloading documents such as PAN card, driving license, vehicle registration certificate, among others, all on WhatsApp.
MyGov Helpdesk, will now offer a suite of services for integrated citizen support and efficient governance, starting with Digilocker services. The new service will enable citizens to access the following documents with ease and convenience, from the safety of their homes.
- PAN card
- Driving License
- CBSE Class X Passing Certificate
- Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC)
- Insurance Policy – Two Wheeler
- Class X Marksheet
- Class XII Marksheet
- Insurance Policy Document ( Life and Non life available on digilocker)
The MyGov chatbot on WhatsApp aims to build a comprehensive administrative support system for citizens to access resources and essential services that are digitally inclusive.