IIT Guwahati to organise North-East Research Conclave (NERC-2O22) across north-eastern states.

The Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati on 6th may 2022 has decided to organise North-East research Conclave (NERC-2O22) during May 20-22, 2022. The event is aimed at boosting industry-academia collaboration in the region. It is a joint initiative of the Science, Technology and Climate Change Department and the Department of Education, Government of Assam and IIT Guwahati.

NERC 2020 offers the best platform for academia and industry to showcase their expertise, products and technology innovations on mission mode. The conclave is expected to benefit all in terms of setting up long-term collaboration for research and development, innovations towards the goal of establishing R&D and innovation-based sustainable NE India.

The activities during the three-day NERC-2022 conclave shall include Research and Technology Exhibitions, brainstorming/interactive sessions and lectures from scientists, industry experts and policy makers.

Therefore, AICTE has request all the Vice Chancellors of Technical Universities and directors/ Principals of AICTE Approved Institutions to participate in this conclave and also showcase the activities of their institute.