ESIC has extended the scope of the Tamil Nadu Employees’ State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1955.

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation vide order dated 25th April 2022 has fixed 1st April 2022 as the date from, which the medical benefit as laid down in the said Regulation 95-A and the Tamil Nadu Employees’ State Insurance (Medical Benefit) Rules, 1955 shall be extended to the families of insured persons in the entire area of Nagapattinam districts in the State of Tamil Nadu, in addition to the already implemented area in the district.

As per regulation 95-A, the family of an insured person shall become entitled to medical benefit [from the day the insured person himself] and shall continue to be so entitled so long as the insured person is entitled to receive medical benefit for himself or in the case of death of the insured person till such date up to which the insured person would have remained entitled to medical care, had he survived. The nature and scale of medical benefit to which the family of an insured person shall be entitled shall be such as may be specified by the State Government in consultation with the Corporation from time to time.