RBI increases market trading hours.

The Reserve Bank of India on 11th April 2022, has decided to restore the opening time for regulated financial markets to their pre-pandemic timing of 9.AM. Currently, the markets open at 10 am, however the changes will take effect from 18th April 2022.

The trading hours for Commercial paper and Certificates of Deposit, Repo in Corporate Bonds, Government Securities (Central Government Securities, State Development Loans and Treasury Bills) Foreign Currency (FCY)/Indian Rupee (INR) Trades including Forex Derivatives and Call/notice/term money will be 10.am to 3.30 pm.

The trading hours for various markets regulated by the Reserve Bank were amended with effect from April 7, 2020 in view of the operational dislocations and elevated levels of health risks posed by COVID-19. Subsequently, with abatement of operational constraints, the trading hours were partially restored with effect from November 9, 2020. With the substantial easing of restrictions on movement of people and functioning of offices, it has now been decided to restore the opening time for regulated financial markets to their pre-pandemic timing of 9:00 a.m.