The Government of Goa on 31st March 2022 has published the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa and Union Territories (Electricity Supply Code) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2021 to further amend the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa and Union Territories (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2018.
The Amendment notifies a new clause 2.3 (41) which defines the term Initial period of agreement which means the period of six months in case of LT supply, one year in case of HT supply and two years in case of EHT supply starting from the date of commencement of supply as per agreement. The initial period of agreement shall continue till the end of Billing cycle, in which the end date of the six months/one/two year’s period expires.
Further under clause 5.122 “If any Consumer terminates his Agreement within six months from original energization for LT (Low Tension) connections, after one year for HT consumers and 2 year for EHT (Extra High Tension) connections of the commencement of new or additional supply (or where no formal Agreement is tendered, if the supply is not utilized for the above period, which would have been applicable if an Agreement has been tendered), the consumer shall be liable to pay the Fixed/Minimum charges for each month short of the said period.