SEBI notifies product specifications pertaining to electronic gold receipts segment in India.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India on 28th March 2022 has notified the product specifications pertaining to electronic gold receipts. SEBI had earlier issued the standard operating guidelines for vault managers and depositories in Electronic Gold Receipts (EGR) segment.

The trading of EGR shall take place on stock exchanges, in the ‘trading unit’, which shall be specified by the stock exchanges. The stock exchanges shall ensure  that  trading unit  is  not  smaller  than  10th  part  of  the corresponding deposit unit. For  example: On  deposit  of 100gm  gold  bar  1  EGR  may  be created  of  100  gm  trading  unit  or 10  EGRs may  be  created of  10gm each trading unit.

The ‘settlement unit’ of EGR shall be same as ‘trading unit’, which shall  be specified by the stock exchanges.

Any  person  desirous  of dealing  in  EGR  on  the  stock  exchange  shall  deposit the gold with the registered Vault Managers, in the ‘deposit unit’, which shall be specified by the stock exchanges.

Further the details of deposit unit/ withdrawal unit and trading unit/ delivery unit shall be clearly spelt out in the contract specifications of the exchange.