The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission vide its notification dated 14th March 2022, has published the CERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) Regulations, 2022 which seeks to ensure, through a commercial mechanism that users of the grid do not deviate from and adhere to their schedule of drawal and injection of electricity in the interest of security and stability of the grid.
This regulation shall be applicable to all grid connected regional entities and other entities engaged in inter-State purchase and sale of electricity.
The charges for deviation for injection of infirm power shall be zero and the charges for deviation for drawal of start-up power before COD of a generating unit or for drawal of power to run the auxiliaries during shut-down of a generating station shall be payable at the normal rate of charges for deviation.
The payment of charges for deviation shall have a high priority and the concerned regional entity shall pay the due amounts within 7 (seven) days of the issue of statement of charges for deviation by the Regional Power Committee, failing which late payment surcharge @ 0.04% shall be payable for each day of delay.