The Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission on 9th March 2022 has notified the procedure for implementation of Reactive Energy Framework and payment of Reactive Energy Charges for Hydro Generating Stations (absorption/injection) under MSLDC’s (Maharashtra State Load Dispatch Centre) instructions.
In this draft procedure, Hydro Generating stations above 25MW capacity connected to InSTS are covered when operated under condenser mode operation under instructions from MSLDC. The Hydro Generators covered under this procedure shall respond to the specific instructions (Absorption/Injection of Reactive Power) from MSLDC.
Mechanism for Accounting and Settlement of Reactive Energy Charges shall be introduced in phased manner.
In the first phase of this mechanism, Hydro Generators would be covered when operated under condenser mode operation under instructions from MSLDC. This first phase shall be implemented by MSLDC from 00.00 Hrs. of Monday, March 15, 2022 .
The modality for implementation of the first phase shall be in accordance with the separate detailed procedure formulated by MSLDC. State Transmission Utility (STU) shall expedite its study for reactive power compensation and ensure installation of the necessary reactive power compensation facilities at required locations to enable operationalization of Reactive Energy Accounting framework in subsequent phase/s for bringing all TSUs under the framework.