Master Plan for Delhi-2021

The Delhi Development Authority vide notification dated 8th March, 2022 has revised the Master Plan for Delhi-2021. The amendment provides that the Development Control Norms shall be applicable to Unauthorized Colonies (UCs) covered under ‘National Capital Territory of Delhi (Recognition of Property Rights of Residents in Unauthorized Colonies)’ Regulations, 2019. The norms have been formulated based on the following:

  1. A large number of residents live in rental accommodation in the UCs, therefore the norms facilitate continued availability of affordable rental housing.
  2. Provision of differentiated norms to facilitate adequate infrastructure and services in these areas and improve the quality of built environment.
  3. Two alternative to undertake upgradation and improvement of the existing physical and socio-economic conditions in Eligible UCs/part UCs:
  4. UC Regeneration Scheme- by incentivizing, amalgamation of plots and ensuring participation of the inhabitants.
  5. Regularization of existing colonies – that meet certain minimum planning requirements.