The Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022.

The Central Electricity Authority vide its notification dated 28th February 2022 has published the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 to further amend the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006.

Through this amendment, the definition to the term ‘Advanced Metering Infrastructure’ has been notified as follows:

Advanced Metering Infrastructure’ is an integrated system of smart meters, communication networks and data management systems that enables two way communication between the utilities and energy meters, and the functional blocks of Advanced Metering Infrastructure typically include Head end system, Wide area network, Neighborhood area network, Data concentrator unit and Home area network;

‘Advanced Metering Infrastructure Service Provider’ is a person appointed by the distribution licensee, for owning, operating, and maintaining Advanced Metering Infrastructure or a part of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure, till its transfer to the licensee;”.

Further under regulation 4 which deals with types of meters in which all consumers in areas with communication network, shall be supplied electricity with Smart Meters working in prepayment mode, conforming to relevant IS, within the timelines as specified by the Central Government:

Provided that all consumer connections having current carrying capacity beyond that specified in relevant IS, shall be provided with meters having automatic remote meter reading facility or Smart Meters as per relevant IS.

Provided further that in areas which do not have communication network, installation of prepayment meters, conforming to relevant IS, shall be allowed by the respective State Electricity Regulatory Commission”

As per regulation 6 (2)(a), Consumer meters shall generally be owned by the licensee:

Provided that in case the licensee has engaged the services of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Service Provider to provide Advanced Metering Infrastructure services for an Advanced Metering Infrastructure project area, the ownership of meters shall remain with Advanced Metering Infrastructure Service Provider during the contract period”.