SEBI notifies Guidelines for depositiers, vault managers in respect of electronic gold receipts (EGR).

The Securities and Exchange Board of India vide its notification dated 14th February 2022 has published the Standards Operating Guidelines for the vault manager & Depositories in order to ensure ease  of  compliance  for  the  market  participants  in  the EGR ecosystem.

As  per  Chapter  IV  of  the  Vault  Managers  Regulations,  the  Vault  Managers  are mandated for creation and extinguishment of EGR. The modalities for deposit of gold,  creation  of  EGR,  withdrawal  of  gold  and  extinguishment  of  EGR are notified under this Guidelines.

As per the guidelines, Vault Manager shall furnish Financial Security Deposit (FSD) of Rs. 10 lakhs to any one of the two Depositories(viz. NSDL or CDSL) before  obtaining a certificate  of registration from SEBI. This is the minimum amount of FSD which has to be maintained with Depository at all points of time.The FSD shall either be in the form of cash, fixed deposits or bank guarantees or any combination thereof without applying any haircut.

The Vault Manager shall designate one of its employees as a Compliance Officer who would be responsible for monitoring the compliance with relevant Acts,  rules  and  regulations,  notifications,  guidelines  and  circulars  issued  by relevant authorities from time to time.

The Vault Manager shall put in place, necessary policies, control and system for dealing with the risks that may arise due to its businesses, other than EGR related business.

The procedure for Deposit of Gold, Creation of  EGR, Withdrawal  of  gold and Extinguishment of EGR is as follows:

  • The Depositories shall create and manage a common interface accessible to all the  stakeholders  in  the  Gold  exchange  ecosystem  viz.  Vault Managers, Depositories, Stock Exchanges, Clearing Corporations and clients/investors.
  • The Depositories shall provide interface to the Vault Managers, registered with SEBI,  by  entering  into  an  agreement  with  them  defining  their  rights  and obligations.  The interface  shall  be  accessed  by  the  Vault  Managers  for creation  and extinguishment  of  EGR,  reconciliation  of  records  and  other related activities as defined by the Depository.
  • Each Depository shall display relevant information related to EGRs to the other Depository in the interface for ease of reconciliation.
  • The Vault Manager shall accept deposit of gold from 10:00 AM to 03:00 PM. For  all  the  gold  deposited  till  03:00  PM,  EGR  shall  be  created  on  the same working day but made available for trading by the investor on the start of the next trading day.