UGC extends the date for seeking Feedback/Suggestions from stakeholders on draft Guidelines on Institutional Development Plan.

The University Grant Commission vide its notification dated 14th February 2022 has extended the date for seeking feedback/suggestions from the stakeholders on the draft Guidelines on the Institutional Development Plan (lDP) developed by 21st February, 2022. Feedback/suggestions may please be sent on Email :

The Draft guidelines include suggestions on recruitment of professionals as faculty, fast-tracking promotion system for teachers, audits of campuses, and the up gradation of physical infrastructure for effective teaching and learning.The Guidelines were released as a part of the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

Further the guidelines provide an insight to higher educational institutions as to how infrastructure facilities will be upgraded, student support systems like sports facilities will be augmented, academic deficiencies like laboratories will be addressed to bring them at par with the best institutions to attract the best talent in teaching and learning.