The Central Motor Vehicles (Draft Amendment) Rules, 2022.

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways on 11th January 2022, has published the Central Motor Vehicles (Draft Amendment) Rules, 2022 through which it has mandated, seat belts for all M1 category vehicles, i.e., vehicles capable of carrying eight passengers.

As per the Draft Amendment under rule 125(1-A) The manufacturer of every motor vehicle of M-l category shall equip every motor vehicle with a seat belt for a person occupying the front facing rear seat:

Provided that the specifications of Safety Belt Assemblies and Safety Belt Anchorages in motor vehicles shall conform to AIS: 005-2000 and AIS: 015- 2000 specifications, respectively, as may be amended from time to time, till such time as corresponding Bureau of Indian Standards specifications are notified:

Provided further that, for motor vehicles of category M1 manufactured on and after 01st October 2022, the specifications of Safety Belt Assemblies shall conform to IS:15140:2018, as amended from time to-time.

Provided also that all front facing seats in vehicles of M1 category manufactured on and after 01st October 2022 be provided with three point belt.

Provided further that the installation of Safety Belts, Restraint Systems and Safety belt reminder on vehicles of M1 category manufactured on and after 1st October 2022 shall conform to IS16694:2018 as amended from time-to-time.