SEBI notified new disclosure format for abridged prospectus.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India vide its notification dated 4th February 2022 has notified the format for disclosure on front outside cover page of an abridged prospectus.

Section 2(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 (“Companies   Act”) defines an abridged Prospectus as a memorandum containing such salient features of a prospectus as may be specified by the Securities and Exchange Board India by making regulations in this behalf.

In  order  to  further  simplify,  provide  greater  clarity  and  consistency  in the  disclosures across  various  documents and  to  provide  additional  but  critical  information  in  the abridged  prospectus,  the format  for  disclosures  in  the  abridged  prospectus  has  been revised.

Under the revised format, a company will have to disclose about name of the issuer company, name of the promoter, details of offer to public and offer for sale (OFS)component, details of weighted average cost of acquisition of all shares transacted over the trailing 18 months from the date of RHP( Range of acquisition price) etc.

The Issuer Company / Merchant Bankers (MBs) shall ensure that  the disclosures  in  the abridged prospectus are adequate, accurate and does not contain any misleading or mis-statement and a copy  of  the abridged  prospectus  shall  be  made  available  on the  website  of  issuer company,  lead  managers,  registrar  to an issuers  and a link  for  downloading  abridged prospectus shall be provided in price band advertisement.

Further, the  issuer  company/  MBs shall insert a Quick  Response (QR) codeon the  front page of the documents such as front outside cover page, abridged prospectus, price band advertisement, etc. as deemed fit by them. The scan of QR code shall lead to downloading of prospectus, abridged prospectus and price band advertisement as applicable.