The Reserve Bank of India vide its notification dated 14th December 2021 has decided to bring non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) under the ambit of the prompt corrective action (PCA) framework.
The objective of the PCA Framework is to enable Supervisory intervention at appropriate time and require the Supervised Entity to initiate and implement remedial measures in a timely manner, so as to restore its financial health. The PCA Framework is also intended to act as a tool for effective market discipline. The PCA Framework does not preclude the Reserve Bank of India from taking any other action as it deems fit at any time in addition to the corrective actions prescribed in the Framework.
NBFCs have been growing in size and have substantial interconnectedness with other segments of the financial system. Accordingly, it has now been decided to put in place a PCA Framework for NBFCs to further strengthen the supervisory tools applicable to NBFCs. The PCA Framework for NBFCs, shall come into effect from October 1, 2022, based on the financial position of NBFCs on or after March 31, 2022.
The PCA Framework is applicable to the following category of NBFCs:
a. All Deposit Taking NBFCs [Excluding Government Companies] (NBFCs-D)
b. All Non-Deposit Taking NBFCs in Middle, Upper and Top Layers (NBFCs-ND) [Including Investment and Credit Companies, Core Investment Companies (CICs), Infrastructure Debt Funds, Infrastructure Finance Companies, Micro Finance Institutions and Factors]; but
[Excluding – (i) NBFCs not accepting/not intending to accept public funds; (ii) Government Companies, (iii) Primary Dealers and (iv) Housing Finance Companies]
There are three risk thresholds in the PCA framework for NBFCs. An NBFC under PCA framework, caused by triggering the first threshold, will be restricted on dividend distribution, promoters will be asked to infuse capital and reduce leverage.
Once a NBFC is placed under PCA, taking the NBFC out of PCA Framework and/or withdrawal of restrictions imposed under the PCA Framework will be considered: a) if no breaches in risk thresholds in any of the parameters are observed as per four continuous quarterly financial statements, one of which should be Annual Audited Financial Statement (subject to assessment by RBI); and b) based on Supervisory comfort of the RBI, including an assessment on sustainability of profitability of the NBFC.