The Securities and Exchange Board of India on 2nd December 2021 has directed the stock brokers to disclose investor’s charter as well as data pertaining to complaints they received on their websites.
In order to facilitate investor awareness about several activities which an investor deals with such as opening of an account, KYC and in-person verification, process for dematerialization and complaint resolution, Sebi, in consultation with the market participants, has prepared an investor charter for stockbrokers inter-alia detailing the services provided to Investors, Rights of Investors, various activities of Stock Brokers with timelines, DOs and DON’Ts for Investors and Grievance Redressal Mechanism.
Therefore in this regard Sebi has directed stock brokers to bring the investor charter for stock brokers to the notice of their clients (existing as well as new ones) through disclosing the investor charter on their respective websites, making them available at prominent places in the office, provide a copy of the charter as a part of account opening kit to the clients, through e-mails or letters etc.