SEBI directs Debenture trustee to publish Investor Charter and disclose data on complaints on their websites.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India on 30th November 2021 has directed all the registered Debenture Trustees (DT) to is close  on  their respective websites, the data on complaints received against them or in respect of non-convertible debt securities issuances dealt by them and redressal thereof, latest by 7th of succeeding month, as per the notified format.

In order to facilitate investor awareness about various activities where an investor has to deal with DTs for availing various services, SEBI has developed an Investor Charter for DTs,  inter-alia detailing the services provided to  Investors,  timelines for various  DT services provided,  Rights and  Obligations of  Investors and  Grievance  Redressal Mechanism.

The Objective of the Investor Charter is to safeguard the interests of the investors in listed debt securities through adherence to regulatory guidelines and to achieve the highest level of operational efficiencies through well-defined internal processes and domain expertise.