The State Government of West Bengal on 8th October 2021 has made it obligatory on the part of the employers of any business, trade, industrial undertaking or any other establishments of the areas under the W.B legislative Assembly Constituency to grant paid holiday on 30th October 2021 to their workmen who are entitled to cast vote in the election under the Representation of Peoples Act, 1951.
All establishments and shops including those which work on a shift basis shall be closed on the day of poll in the constituency where a General/Bye-election is to be held. However, there may be cases where a person is ordinarily resident of the constituency and registered as an elector, may be serving/employed in an industrial undertaking or an establishment located outside the constituencies having an election. It is clarified that in such a constituency concerned he would be entitled to the benefit of a paid holiday extended under the section 135B (1) of the Representation of the peoples Act 1951.
Further the Daily wage/casual workers are also entitled for a holiday and wages on poll day as provided in Section 135B of the Representation of Peoples Act, 1951.