DGFT extends the date for mandatory electronic filing of Non-preferential CoO to 31st October 2021.

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade on 18th October 2021 has extended the Date for Mandatory electronic filing of the Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin (CoO) through the Common Digital Platform to 31st October 2021.

Based on the request of certain Chambers/Associations notified under Appendix-2E, the existing system of manual/paper-based submission and processing of non-preferential CoO applications is being extended further upto 31st October 2021 only and the online system is not being made mandatory.

All Agencies, as notified under Appendix-2E, are required to ensure that the onboarding exercise is completed latest by 31st October 2021 failing which the agencies shall be de-notified from Appendix 2E. The concerned agencies may reach out over email to ddg2egov-dgft@gov.in for any guidance or clarifications in regard to the onboarding process.