Ministry of Commerce launches a single window portal to improve ease of doing business.

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry on 22nd September 2021 has launched a National Single-Window Portal (NSWP) which will enable investors to identify and obtain approvals and clearances needed by investors, entrepreneurs, and businesses in India.

The system is envisioned to address information asymmetry, duplication of information submitted across platforms and authorities and inefficient tracking of approvals and registration faced by investors. 

The portal, as of today, hosts approvals across 18 Central Departments and nine States, and another 14 Central Departments and five States will be added by December 2021,”

NSWS will provide end-to-end facilitation and support to investors, facilitate clearances at the Centre and State levels, provide pre-investment advisory to new businesses, and share information related to land banks.

All solutions for businesses will be provided at the click of the mouse through ‘end-to-end’ facilitation and information needed will be available on a single dashboard, bringing transparency, accountability and responsiveness in the ecosystem.