The Goa Excise Duty (Amendment) Rules, 2021.

The Government of Goa vide its notification dated 16th September 2021 has published the Goa Excise Duty (Amendment) Rules, 2021 to further amend the Goa Excise Duty Rules, 1964.

Through this amendment, the manufacture of cane spirit has been notified under rule 52-A. Rule 52-A states that the provisions of rule 41 to 52 shall mutatis mutandis apply to the manufacture of cane spirit.

Rule 41 to 52 deals with license for establishment of distillery or brewery, the validity of license, license for manufacture, the strength of liquor, Supervision of distillery etc.

Any person desirous of obtaining a licence to establish and work a distillery or brewery except wineries manufacturing wine with natural fermentation or winery for the purpose of manufacturing Indian made foreign liquor shall apply to the Commissioner and the licence shall be valid for one year and may be renewed on application by the Commissioner for a period not exceeding one year, if he is satisfied that sufficient progress has been made.