The Assam Pollution Control Board on 16th September 2021 has formulated a standard operating procedure in order to facilitate expeditious disposal of applications for consent to establish(CTE)/Consent to operate(CTO) and HW Authorization for oil & Gas Exploration, Development and production installations which required environmental clearance in accordance with EIA Notification 2006.
The project proponent should apply for CTE in accordance with section 25 of the Water(Prevention & Control of pollution) Act 1974 and section 21 of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1981 as per procedures laid down under the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Assam Rules, 1977 for the proposed oil & gas exploration, development and installation online at for each of the respective oil & Gas exploratory drilling and production sites covered under the respective Environmental Clearance obtained from the regulatory authorities.
The project proponent may apply for CTO (initial) before 4 months of the proposed date of commissioning after obtaining EC and CTE along with all requisite details and for renewal, the project proponent may apply before a period of 4 months from the date of expiry of their previous CTO.
Further for Hazardous waste authorization, the applicant has to submit a copy of CTE, CTO and a detailed hazardous waste and other waste management plan including details of quantity generated, storage facility, captive treatment facility.