The Rajasthan Pollution Control Board on 1st July 2021 has notified a checklist of documents, required to be submitted/uploaded while applying for Consent to Establish/ Operate under Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 an Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.
The General checklist contains a self-declaration regarding the applicability of mandatory documents by the authorized signatory and the feasibility report on pollution control measures and the list of names and addresses of all directors/partners.
Further for the healthcare facilities, the proposal for sewage treatment plant of appropriate capacity and the details of total built-up area with map approved by the competent authority to assess the applicability of environmental clearance shall be submitted while applying for Consent to Establish/ Operate.
The checklist of documents is applicable for the red, orange, and green category of industries having investments more than 5 crores and under the preview of consent management.